Five years later, Andrew is now the personal assistant of his mother, Bree, who, with her new cookbook, is a rising public figure similar to Martha Stewart., This page was last edited on 16 January 2023, at 04:44. Later, Sam shows Bree some records revealing that Andrew charged some clients for extra cases of alcohol that never got delivered. When Bree leaves the room, Karl threatens Andrew to back off his mother and Bree is shown in the other room, smiling. Season 1, "Who's That Woman? Bree gave birth to her son Andrew in 1988 and daughter Danielle in 1989. Everything's Different, Nothing's Changed. I know exactly who I am. When Andrew tries to stop her, she knocks him out with her cane. Andrew accuses Bree of being too protective by investigating Alex. 16:30. He returned after a short absence and started to lust after Bree. ("My Heart Belongs to Daddy"), George commits suicide before Andrew returns from camp and Andrew is angry (after realising that he was the one who poisoned Rex) as he ended life on his own terms. 11. Who is stalking Bree? Yeah but he was a monster to Bree and the world way before his sexuality came up. ("There is No Other Way"), Bree continues to attend AA meetings and she runs into Andrew who is shopping with Justin at a check out corner. She soon hires Sam Allen who suggests she fires Tad. It is Andrew who convinces Austin to leave Fairview after he impregnates Danielle. 07:20. Bree invites Alex over for dinner and she later finds . Now, as a grown adult, Andrew has returned to live on Wisteria Lane . As Bree announces this and Andrew stumbles in drunk, when Sam tries to pull him away, he pushes him to the ground. Bree mentions that Andrew still lives together with Alex, insinuating he is practically committing adultery. [33] In response, Andrew imitates Bree's pleasure moan to provoke George, who tries to send him to his room but will not tell Bree why, and she refuses to punish Andrew without a reason. He's gay and he doesn't care."[78]. Andrew hits on him well until Susan comes down and starts making the guy seem to bad for Andrew and mentioning Andrew's past boyfriends as she does not want Bree to leave her home. ("Rose's Turn"). 37:30. first = "Pilot" (episode 1.01) last = last_cause = alias = born = 1987 occupation = Food service, Bree's manager (in 2013) residence = Fairview, Eagle State title = Mr. Andrew Van de Kamp parents = Later, Orson speaks to Andrew and tells him that he believes that Sam is suspicious too, he convinces Andrew to find out as much as he can about his new family member. "[73] Marc Cherry has referred to him as being sociopathic. ("In Buddy's Eyes"), It is later revealed that the arsonists are Porter and Preston and Andrew continues to work at the pizzeria as the owners are questioned. It is revealed at dinner that Alex and Andrew are engaged. It is revealed that Andrew was right and that Danielle is sleeping with Austin. Andrew returns home and surprises Bree by revealing he's engaged to a woman named Mary Beth. Season 2, "Don't Look at Me", approx. [51] After she refuses, he lures Peter into bed himself, where Bree finds them. Bree is disappointed in him until he throws her affair with Karl Mayer in her face, she apologises to Sam who takes to his new position a little too nicely. [74] In Season 3, however, Andrew seems to have matured after spending eight months living on the streets. The time given is accurate to within 10 seconds, excluding commercial breaks. Andrew tells her that whatever it was, it was probably her fault. [71] Andrew can be selfish and manipulative, and regularly uses other people to get what he wants, for example, persuading his boyfriend Justin to hit him so he can claim Bree is abusing him. Parker's group involves tomboy crush Julie Mayer, athletic best friend Kayla Huntington, resident genius Penny Scavo, big eater Kirby, and military boy Zach Young. Andrew shaved his head after the 1st season. Season 2, "There Is No Other Way", approx. [3], Bree is delighted, but insists on concocting a reason for Andrew's long absence. [21] After getting expelled from school for drug abuse and vehicular assault on a school parking attendant, as well as continuing his rudeness towards Bree, Andrew is sent to a juvenile delinquent boot camp. She wonders what has happened to Andrew as she has grown accustomed to him being gay. He then wakes her up by turning the sprinklers on. One, Parker Scavo, is the leader of a group of friends. She apologises to Andrew who accepts the apology and they wonder how they can get rid of Sam. She later tells the lawyer how perfect Bree is and Andrew is very angry and knows Lynette is lying, however, she does not let up in order to protect her friend. It has been a month since Bree's return and Andrew says that he wants no part in his mother's latest charade (and that includes strapping in her fake belly). She sits with him as they watch the stripper dance and she explains how she is somebody's daughter and that her parents probably had expectations for her and how her life must have been. Bree and Orson bribe Danielle with a car and bring her home. "[16] When he finds out about his father's adultery, however, he apologizes to Bree and is angry with Rex. Bree invites Reverend Sikes to dinner to get him into one of his religious programs. Help; in . Bree is angry. Bree is faking a pregnancy, pretending that Danielle's baby is her own and when Julie Mayer is suspicious, Bree is forced to Email her as Danielle and asks Andrew some tips on using slang. I mean, he did make that statement [thats hes bisexual]. When Andrew comes round, he discovers that Orson has actually been trying to protect Bree, and their relationship returns to normal. [31] He resents George Williams for dating Bree while Rex was still alive, and is very rude to him when he sees him with Bree. Common crawl. It was difficult to feel sorry for Andrew during that final scene in which his mother banished him from their home. BreeGaby. Andrew Van de Kamp, Bree and Rex's son, is just as clever, stubborn, and wicked as his mother, which perhaps is why theyve always had such a stormy relationship. You're here, you're queerand I'm used to it.Bree Van de Kamp. "[24] Rex reminds her that he is still her son and Bree tries to comfort Andrew by telling him "I would love you even if you were a murderer". He tells Andrew that what she did wasn't actually illegal in any way, Andrew says he will just lie and Bree says that she will sue him if she does so, he also threatens her with public humiliation. She had a perfect smile, perfect natural red hair that never looked tousled or out of place, perfect manicured fingers and perfectly ironed J. They find him the next mourning at his mother's tomb, Andrew faces up to what he has done and confronts Carlos, who forgives him, however, he does not forgive Bree. And, Bree absolutely flipped out when he told her that he is gay. she answers "no" but the polygraph says she is lying, twice, Andrew and Danielle are present and see this, Andrew is angry with his mother. He also reveals that she has been involved with a married man who turns out to be Angie's husband, Nick. . ("Moments in the Woods"), It is revealed that Andrew moved off the Lane due to rent-problems. 23:00. [10] Andrew repeatedly breaks the rules during Season 1, infuriating Bree, who eventually humiliates him by turning up at the strip club he is visiting with his friends while grounded. ("Not While I'm Around"), Bree comes home wandering where Orson is. Andrew Van de Kamp is a fictional character in the ABC television series Desperate Housewives played by Shawn Pyfrom, and is the son of one of the title characters, Bree Van de Kamp, and her first husband Rex Van de Kamp. 39:50. Gloria, who puts Bree in the bath under the influence of sleeping pills with the intention of slashing her wrists, sees Andrew pull up outside the house and run in, as he runs up the stairs, Gloria startles him and hits him around the face with her cane, causing him to fall down the stairs and pass out. ("The Chase"), Andrew is very angry when Bree promotes Sam to be vice president, a position which is his. ("Guilty"), Andrew is smoking marijuana and doesn't want his mother to know, however, she finds out as she can tell he is high and can smell pot. Andrew is partially based on writer Marc Cherry himself, who copied much of Bree's dialogue from his own mother's reaction when he came out to her. While driving home Carlos's mother runs out onto the road and Andrew unintentionally runs her down. ("The Ballad of Booth"), Bree tells Andrew and Orson that she intends to sell her business to Sam, they wonder why and Bree tells them it is because he knows what happened to Mr. Solis. Andrew and Alex think this is a great idea however Bree is distraught, She lies and tells them that she bought them the Addams house two doors down from hers, she then actually buys the house, and the two move into it. . ("Next"), Bree tells her children that Rex's body was dug up and that in an autopsy, they do not believe that Rex actually died of a heart attack and that he was poisoned. Fast-forward to the present: Gloria laces Bree's soup with sleeping pills then tries to drown her in the bath tub. He reveals to her that they're screwed as they have no liquor license yet, Lynette goes out and gets it for them. [27] In his final scene of the season, after swearing the reverend to secrecy, Andrew states that, not only that he does not believe in God and lied to his parents about being gay to get out of the camp. [6], Andrew first appears in the "Pilot" of season one. Bree Van de Kamp; Mary Alice Young; Andrew Van de Kamp; Mike Delfino; Lynette Scavo; Danielle Van de Kamp; Community. "), Andrew has decorated his new home beautifully, and, as Orson points out, expensively. She tells them that she is the main suspect and her children stare at her, she protests that she is not capable of murder. Orson walks out and Andrew acts natural. [35] That evening, Andrew packs his bags for Camp Hennessey a second time. He decides to move out of his mother's house and get his own apartment. When Bree discovers that Alex was once in gay porn, she tells Andrew and is surprised to learn that Andrew already knew and did not judge Alex for his past mistakes as he himself has a "sordid past" (referring to the feud between himself and his mother following the death of his father, and his work as a rent boy seven years earlier). Andrew Van de Kamp is a former main character of Desperate Housewives. ("One More Kiss"), Bree passes out drunk on the lawn and is found by Karen McCluskey who informs Andrew. [77] Marc Cherry has expressed bemusement at this, saying, "to young people, Andrew is something of a role model which is a little appalling to me because he's something of a sociopath! In the season finale, in a scene set five years in the future, Andrew is in business with Bree, who is now a successful author. As Andrew is a minor character in Desperate Housewives, he is rarely mentioned by critics. Mikor egy nap hazamegy, s Bree trt karokkal vrja. Andrew tells her that Alex does not have to listen to her like he or Orson do, she forgives him and he re-accepts the offer. Andrew uses his creativity to get . And, Bree absolutely flipped out when he told her that he is gay. She describes herself as the domestic housewife out of her close group of friends. In "Moments in the Woods", Andrew is seeking to make amends, and decides to tell Carlos about running over his mother, over Bree's objections. He says that his mother hit him while drunk. Lynette goes door-to-door and Andrew assures her that he will not sell his house to Paul. Season 2, "Don't Look at Me", approx. Bree goes down to the strip club which makes all of Andrew's friends leave. [46] Andrew tries to persuade her in "There Is No Other Way" to just let him go, but she refuses saying she hasn't "set him right" yet. Later, Gaby discovers that the car that Andrew sold her was a lemon and she goes back to him, insistent on a refund. By the fifth season, a more mature Andrew has inherited traits that he once ridiculed his mother for having, such as blunt sarcasm. So, since I knew that I couldn't change, it suddenly hit me that, one day, my own mother was going to stop loving me. 36:10. She complains about the uniforms she finds ugly, however, Andrew complains about the fact that they have to pool their tips as appose to keep what they earn, Lynette shifts focus back to the "ugly-ass" uniforms. However, his storylines have occasionally attracted press coverage. The day before the announcement of the candidacy, he heard from his mother, "Are you sure? [56] When Orson sees how guilty Bree feels, he finds Andrew himself and buys him lunch. Andrew, after consultation with his lawyer, tells Bree in "Could I Leave You?" ("You're Gonna Love Tomorrow"), Bree shows her new, published cookbook to Andrew and Orson, Orson is mad that "Mrs. Van de Kamp" is on the cover and not "Mrs. Hodge". Alex Cominis is Andrew Van de Kamp fiance and will soon be Bree Hodge's son-in-law. They don't make him this typical weak gay character, and I think that's good because it's saying that even if you're gay, you can still be strong and confident. Andrew isn't happy with his presence and he and Orson are both suspicious of Sam's true intentions and decide to investigate. Andrew manages to get the tape from Charlie and watches to make sure it is the right tape, it is discovered that it is not Bree and Orson having sex on the tape, but Mike and Katherine. This obsessed loner brought Bree more pain than she could ever imagine, aswell as being one of her love interests. Gaby reveals to Andrew that she knows what he did to Carlos's mother but has no intention to tell Carlos about it. ("There Won't Be Trumpets"), Bree and Rex come to visit him at the camp and he says that he only wants to talk to Rex, Bree storms in saying that she deserves to talk to him too. Along with his sister, Andrew notices Bree's increasing alcohol consumption, and uses it against her. [77] Marc Cherry has commented, "Andrew Van de Kamp is perhaps the most empowered gay teen in the history of television. Bree Van de Kamp (ne Mason also known as Bree Hodge & Bree Weston) is a fictional character and one of the four protagonists on the ABC television series Desperate Housewives.She is played by actress Marcia Cross, who has received multiple awards and nominations for her portrayal, including an Emmy Award nomination, three Golden Globe Award nominations, and two Screen Actors Guild Awards. Alex left me. Later, Andrew gets Justin to punch him hard in the face because he says that if he loves him, he will do it, Justin punches Andrew twice, hard in the face with a large ring, giving him very noticeable bruises on his face. He alerts the other people who are gathering at his house to watch the news as the situation develops. "), Andrew tells his mother the good news that Sandra Birch, a reporter, wants to write an article about her. 3. Shawn is originally from FL. There, Andrew thanks Gaby for not telling Carlos, but she yells at both him and Bree for trying to run down her whole family. To Pierce the Dark"), When Orson suddenly decides to be happy, Andrew is suspicious that he is up to something. Original and partial cast of Desperate Housewives, from left to right: Paul Young, Martha Huber, Mary Alice Young, Zach Young, Bree Van de Kamp, Rex Van de Kamp, Lynette Scavo, Tom Scavo, Susan Delfino, Julie Mayer, John Rowland, Gabrielle Solis, Carlos Solis, Edie Britt, and Mike Delfino. ("Now I Know, Don't Be Scared"), Bree has Benjamin in a family bed with her and Orson to which Orson doesn't like, she says she wished she had done it with Andrew who is listening in and is very hurt. ", approx. [82] However, his improved behavior and deep love for his mother in Season 3 has also disappointed some critics, with one saying "if he has any lines at all, he's a little angelas if he's become something of a Stepford son!"[83]. Bree asks him where she is going and he tells her that she's going to Bree's closet, Bree runs upstairs and Andrew realizes what he has done wrong but it is too late as Phyliss has already discovered Bree's fake pregnancy bellies. Andrew Van de Kamp was born in 1988. Check 'Andrew Van de Kamp' translations into French. ("Thank You So Much"), When Andrew's ride to school moves out of town, he asks his mother if she will buy him a car, she refuses to which, as she is drinking, he calls her a mean old drunk, she slaps him around the face. Keep scrolling to find out: Everything's Different, Nothing's Changed, Shawn Pyfrom Quits "Desperate Housewives", Shawn Pyfrom Leaving "Desperate Housewives", "Desperate Housewives" keeps us guessing", Desperate Housewives Outs Gay Teen With a Kiss (page 1), Forget Book of Daniel the Real Gay Action is on Desperate Housewives (page 2). Bree returns and eats some of her dessert, she makes the noise that Andrew described and he points at her and moths to George "That's it", George demands he be punished but Bree does not understand why. [57] During their conversation, Andrew admits he worked the streets as a rent boy whenever he was desperate for money, and asks Orson not to tell his mother, before realizing what he's said and correcting himself. While his mother is at the founder's day ball, Andrew is working at Scavo's as the waiter, he calls Lynette to tell her that Rick's place caught fire and burned down. 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