Maybe it would have been to have enjoyed sex together more or spending more time as a family as well as date nights, or things like that. Now. It seems like he texting someone n messages deleted. you have never trusted me is what I hear now. 3John2, Been there too honey.weve been married 20 years and have 3 kids so I understand the place youre coming from. What bothers me most is that he never erased them and that he is sending them out too and making coments to his friends about being with them. date but dont get married. I asked him who this was. There arent any of the signs of cheating and nothing has changed between us. His decision to stay on to help rebuild the business, resulted in a change in their relationship. Youve just found out that your husband is cheating on you. If your wife is suspicious of you, its because you are behaving suspiciously. I dont know what to think about your husbands behavior it does seem odd, thats for sure. he just does according to him. But theres been a few times I have had a strong guy feeling he is cheating on me. I pray for strength to move forward in your life, to decide what you need to do with your future! I cried and could not believe I have been with somebody totally different that I of course thought,then told him to go to church and and now knew why when I asked him why he never wanted to go to church with us and suddenly he did before he told me, he confessed to the priest and he told him to tell me everything !! Hi Karen! You dont deserve any of this, but sometimes good people find themselves in bad situations. It just this whole picture I had about him, is not real. Im devastated. he is saying that he s not interested to hav sex with me within 3 yrs. Im not one to share my emotions so this is a big step for me. He already walked out if hes not there for you; how many more years do you want to waste, go running and you will be much happier, how much more are you willing to take a big part of your life is gone for years cause he hasnt been there. I decided to work on his list of things i need to do to save our relationship and for a while he worked on mine. I dont know that I even want to try anymore. I found out by placing a tape recorder in the house and in his vehicle. You do say he takes long drives but he might just need to get away from you if you two are arguing or you are giving him a hard time. He also has his friends sent him womens number, none of which I found on his call history. He started to change, being very mean, being out late, changing his phones password, blocking me. It doesnt mean were stupidit just means that were human. I said..why cant you date me NOW! We have been through so much together. You have to let him go, he will never change. I do not know your husband nor do I even know you but if I did I would most likely beg you to go out for a drink with me and explain al the reasons why you are better then him while we knocked back martinis .. that being said I am sure you have to know he will most likely never recover from this cerial cheting he has got going on here. He claims if he was cheating he wouldnt be here, and that an EX is an EX for a reason. Women who are dissatisfied with their relationship are more than twice as likely to cheat; those who feel they are sexually incompatible with their partners are nearly three times as likely. It was a nightmare..he cried, he bawled like a baby.. Our daughter drove to this whores home, took back her office key, and demanded the jewelry back. later we talked and he assured me that there was nothing between them. But it never got better, and it never will. A couple of months ago he decided that he wanted to go on a diet and shave his gotee. I am 47 years old and this is only the 3rd infection in my life. If course, she wouldnt . That I was no longer exciting and that he felt he married too young. I was right but he said he needed to get away from everything. It was bad enough that one woman came forth but now a second one. Mother nature tells me that its a good idea to have sex with lots of women. Is that a marriage??!! My husband would get extremely angry if I suggested he was having an affair. There are also men that get continuously accused of cheating when they arent and that wife badgers him, controls him, goes through his phone and smothers him that guess what Honey you pushed him into another womans arms and now he looks like the bad guy. Who did you hire?? Seriously, If it were yourself would your spouses anger be justified? That response made me feel like maybe they were just friends. Rebuilding trust is possible but involves a lot of work if the husband is willing to take responsibility (not blaming it on genes) and explain how and why he did it in the first place. I will never do anything like that again. Is it me? I think you must know the pain the wife would suffer should you have an affair with her husband given you understand the pain the husband went through eight years ago at his wifes alleged affair. She send a messages with her picture and saying she misses him..Then there is another girl, same country. Sure some where calls i heard radio traffic, but after it was over several hours later not home. Our sex life is non-existent. Now I find out that the one he met while he was in Italy is not a lesbian like they both said, in fact she gets into detail about being with other guys and how it was with him. my name is ashleigh i am married with two children after ready your advice to other woman i should ask as well. TThis IS also deceptive but where the trust, respect, is already broken, I figure its all fair game. So for many years I couldnt understand how he could treat me so direspectful and without consideration for my feelings. He told me he wouldnt get anymore emails from these girls but i found out he did. since we met he is cheating with various women includes his wife. My husband went into treatment after being arrested for getting drunk and being abusive. I want to leave him but I cant until I prove that his cheating. Once hes gone, youll be free to cry and explore your anger and sadness as much as you want. i have confront him abt it recently so he becames more cautious. I love my Husband so I too dont know what to do. I dont know if your husband is lying about cheating, but there certainly hasnt been alot of honesty about what hes doing. Its on you if you wan to fix it. He said he emailed her afterward telling her I found the picture and they would not be contacting or emailing anymore. I HATE people especially MEN who takes advantage of woman. He tikd me that he loves me and does not want a divorce but if you think that your correct than you have to do what you need to do is what I am told. And bingo!!! Which i know is a lie because she thought i was him. But he divide to have drink with this girl all night long then he said he and her did nothing except drinking and talking. Luckily the woman didnt respond to my husbands messages. When hes with me, hes distant. Your gut instincts are telling you that your husband is lying about cheatingand the hardest thing is to believe what you know to be true. I dont deserve to be treated this way. however when I filed for divorce everything turned against me. This should just be for peace of mind, but its essential you catch any infections that could interfere with your ability to have children later on. Stacey how did you put tracker on his phone without him knowing my husbands is password protected and they have to except thanks for the help pam. Maybe he didnt. The more you learn about other wives experiences and how their husbands lied about cheating the more insight you might have into your own marriage. I know youve already shot this idea down, but thats the whole point of this article! (I regretted trying to overdose on pills and called poison control for help.). YOU KNOW THIS ALREADY!! Oh it hurtsI know that from just a short time of watching my ex.or will he be my BF againpandering to another woman. Please think hard about someone you can trust to talk about this with, someone who isnt involved at all. Much prayers and good luck!! He still makes me feel like its my fault and that I dont need to know anything about it. His excuses was he was not happy. I deserve an explanation. Hed forgotten. He would threaten me with leaving every time my eyes got watery or when I was trying to find some answers. i totally lost it then. Thank u very much! Everything I bought new during the big sales events on Black Friday they have stolen it. It seems to me the unpaid labour of a year was an affair. And I said what did she want and he said she was just returning the call. I guess love really is blind, its just im on a fixed income i dont make much money, I get government help, but if I leave him, How on earth will me and my baby make it? You should never blame yourself, though, as you both made a commitment to each other. He stopped inviting me to his company picnics 6. NOW iam a very happy person in very healthy, happy, protective relationship. He says he loves me but his actions till now say otherwise. You also need to know yourself! He said she bought a car from him and the car broke down. I never had a feeling he was cheating. The intent is there for both of you to do it. He went to have his testosterone checked and it was normal. We become somewhat cynical and lose the ability to completely trust always thinking in the back of our mind, their unfaithfulness could happen again. My husband and I have been together for 10 years. Hello, just letting you know that I have never done this before. Work at it because there are children involved but dont put up with him if he is blatantly sh**ting on u and u cant work it out as that wont help ur kids but make them as tense and upset as u instead, good luck xxx, I dont normally comment in internet sites but sweetie you dimply have to leave him right away, itll be hard at first because you evidently love him but I promise itll get easier. It took my friend 6 years to forgive her husband and learn to trust him again after he cheated. I confronted him about the texts and told him I wanted to end our relationship, but he is adamant that nothing actually happened (he admits to leading the girl on via text but maintains that nothing else ever happened between them). even noticed a Pornhub scank so not only is it half nudes now it looks like more . He didnt mention anything to me in the morning or the rest of the day he only said this to me because she was walking toward us and i thought because he was afraid that she might come up and say something to us but instead she walked right my us and just gave me a look which made me think even more that something happened because when your on vacation usually people are very friendly and i would think she would have come up to me and said something like hey i met your husband last night you must be chrissy or something but nothing she just looked at me and walked away. i just need some help figuring this out please HELP!!! I honestly dont know what to think about this. Once you get through that you will feel good and be empowered. I decided to try and stay with him, it has been 2 1/2 years but feels like it was yesterday. Get what you can from whats left of the relationship and move on. My husband is lying cheater, I catch him every time. There were favors involved (working her shifts). Does not keeping it a secret not lying about cheating make it easier for her to understand? He went from 400 or so text a month, to almost 2000 text during the affair. i told him its over the same time the other lady react and tells him you did not tell me you got girlfriend then he said now you know as from today you should know you are 2. I know it was a long shoot but knowadays with our cell phones being our food which we can not live with out if a husband is cheating on you. I LET THEM because I thought I was wrong!! Thank you for being here! But little did he know I had the texts between the two of them proving that she wasnt crazy and that he was a liar. Last 2 weeks again, i saw a picture on his whattsaap, when i asked him, he said it was his late sisters daughter, when i made my investigation, i discovered it was another lie from my cheating husband. So am I a cheater? I feel awful for you you sound sweet and loving. Married yound 3 kids married for 14 yearsanyway I found on his phone the backpage in the city where he was staying in the girl adult section. I believe he loved me but not want you and I think love should be. We have been cuddling and he has seen how much this hurt me as not being there for me and running to another woman for at least emotional support. How do we gain back trust. im only 36 and i just finally came to my senses and have left the relationship it hard scary but theres relief from lies manipulation and abuse it only got progressively worse never better. Or, maybe all you need to know is that your marriage needs help. You arent the reason why he took his wedding ring off and started hitting on women, thats all down to him and its his fault your marriage is failing. I will share my experience and suggest a motive for infidelity amongst men and women. This has been going on since Spring of 2010, the suspicions. I personally dont he think he would change. I hope it helps, and again offer my apologies for not being able to give you personal help. Do you think he loves me or am i just a doormat? Its a 5 minute walk from the house and its been nearly 3 hours. i started working a month ago and all of a sudden my husbund doesnt want to have sex with me.he chashed me out of our room just because i asked him to brush my daughters hair in the moning because she only gets up after i leave and now im staying in a store room and he is making me sleep on the floor im not even alowed to sleep on the blow up i made spagetti and mince and he told me a friend of his can make it better then me and he did not even touch it and refuses to tell me who this friend is.he seems to blame me if something goes wrong even if its not even my doing. this message is to the top post SHANNON. some people even make a new email address that only their lover will have. now that I look back on things that happened, I realize he may have been cheating on me the whole time. He says he has told me everything after initially lieing. Mrs Pinkstuff, Ive replied to a number of posts on here. If you suspect your husband is cheating on you and lying about it, why dont you leave him? I cant give personal advice because I dont know your situations, marriages, personalities, etc well enough. I just cant imagine him actually having an affair. He gets angry, swears its a lie, and doesnt want to discuss it anymore. Trust yourself, my friend. This means that your husbands friends have a very real, direct effect on your marriage. I was injured at work last year and have had to back surgeries and am laid up for the most part. Its sadbut the sooner you start dealing with it, the better. Why hold on to a bad relationship? BUT, I always go home to my wife at the end of the day, just as the ladies go home to their partners too. If i say i understand whats happening in my marriage now am lying. I have tried talking to him to see why he has become uninterested in me. He's not going to admit to cheating. Sometimes we have to walk through the darkest valleys before we discover the brightest mountaintops. Perhaps it is an ego boost. An Ex-CIA Polygraph Examiner Reveals What Men Dont Want You to Know, Dan Crum reveals the two biggest signs of deception, the best way to trap a liar, and what to look and listen for when you suspect your husband is lying about having an affair. He is deceiving her even if he never actually has sex with her, he is making her believe that hes interested. other woman: No I havent but, my boss has already given me those days off. Dont know if that makes a difference but Ive searched high and low. Give yourself time to figure things out and clear your head so that you can have a peace of mind. I havebeen married for 16 years and been with my husband total 19 years.I have caught him about 6 times he has freinds that are females. Ill be honest, I did a lot of searching. My wife had a roving eye despite the fact that Im hotter (both physically and emotionally) than anybody she ever cheated with. totally went through similar experience as you did. The moment things didnt turn out for him the way he planned and wanted, he was begging me back We are still together, Im mentally stronger and more confident than I was ever before. Im newly married to a great man. while i was that far everyday he call me asking were iam, with whomm iam was very jealous. Thats emotional cheating, and its wrong. Doesn't matter what its about (finding out his sexuality) he cheated on you with a man he sourced from the internet. this set off many alarms. and heres the kicker, so what? Divorce his ass let him be with his multiple emotional affairs (although condom wrappers do not constitute emotional ONLY affairs.. I dont think these tips for knowing if your husband is cheating is stupid. He often tells people what a good wife and friend I am and his friends comment on how lucky he is because I am attractive but not restrictive with him. It doesnt matter why he behaves like this (though I believe men lie and cheat because its exciting, because they can get away with it, and because women want to believe what the men say, not what men do. He refused to stop communicating with her. He begged I stayed but he still is lying about it He has been extra sweet I said if he would be honest I could get past it but just recently I asked him to be honest so I could trust him he jumped up & replied I DONT CARE What option does that leave me. He says he cant be having an affair because hes home everynight. Im exhausted disappointed. I pulled my husband aside and asked him to please just keep his distance. I was trying to convey this to my H tonight when he tried making me wrong for having trust issues. When he is home, I dont even get acknowledged anymore its like no matter what I feel like Im bothering him. I have been with him for Two years. We I confronted him once he was very defensive and said he would never cheat on me. Do I confront him about the reactivation? I am unhappy to this day and cant get over what happened and will never trust him again. There are some really interesting tips and ideas for how to know if your husband is cheating in the book I cite. Well i travelled to. But I prove him wrong. You just have to have access to his phone while hes sleeping or when you have a little time to play with it. After questioning him more about who friended who on Facebook, his answers changed. Not fighting doesnt mean you have a healthy marriage. I dont know what else to do. On the one hand anything Ive brought up hes addressed. Had one night stands with strangers at truck stops. It sounds like youre already worried. Ive now become a prisoner of my own home as well as a prisoner of his. So, whether its you blaming yourself or hes using you as an excuse for his behavior, dont let it fly. My husband is in Mexico hes been there these past 3yrs now. I promise you, sweetheart, get out before he gains all his control of you, and you get trapped like I am, with no money, no friends, alienated from your family and friends, unable to even go to the store to get groceries, because he will eventually, if he allows you to work, will make you give him every dollar you make!! He agreed it was wrong for him to show up, but he said he never intended to do anything. I stayed home with the kids when they were babies, planned dates, read marriage books, self help books, planned weekend getaways, romantic suppers and weekends for the just the 2 of us. My husband drives a truck. I checked his phone and he had deleted the calls to and from her from his phone but I found them on the internet bill. I cant give you marriage advice because I dont know you or your husband! And we are blessed with 22months old son. Make him conscious and force him to try to hide the truth even more. That is, I dont know if youre jumping to conclusions or if youre right to suspect that theyre lying! Ive been dating my bf in a long-distance relationship for 1 year. Thanks!:). Have you talked to a counselor? I do little special things for him. I feel so disrespected from him and this girl. Since then hes been super nice and sweet and my house is always clean. In June of 2010 a new Secretary was hired in his department. Almost 2000 text during the affair i let them because i thought i was him once get! Me everything after initially lieing, it has been 2 1/2 years but feels like it bad. Should ask as well as a prisoner of my own home as well as a prisoner of own! 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