We have been in business for over 25 years, providing researchers and OEM integrators with the best laser solution for their application. Ultrafast Lasers are ideal for the cold ablation of any material, including metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, coatings, glass, plastics, diamonds, and PET. Potential side effects from picosecond laser treatment include pain, erythema, oedema, pinpoint bleeding, crusting, blistering, scarring, postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, and postinflammatory hypopigmentation. This increased HAZ is undesirable, as post processing (cleaning) is then required, and furthermore, depending on the requirements and specifications of the material or product, significant heat build up can cause catastrophic failure of the part, its particular features, or simply render it unusable, for example with medical products that need clean, smooth features. Picosecond lasers use pulse durations of less than 1 nanosecond, which causes predominantly photoacoustic damage (pulses of light that can be measured by changes in pressure ie, sound waves) rather than photothermal destruction of pigment or ink particles (measured by production of heat). arrow-right-small-blue 1/20th the size and 1/30th the weight of competitors'lasers, Difficult to integrate into tools due to no fiber delivery/output, Rack mountable Power Supply and Remote Compact Laser head with fiber delivery is easy to integrate. TOPTICA's ultrafast fiber lasers provide reliable femtosecond or picosecond pulses at wavelengths between 488 - 2200 nm with a output power up to > 1 W. Products Single Mode Diode Lasers iBeam smart iBeam smart PT Single Frequency Lasers iBeam smart WS TopMode TopWave 405 TopWave 266 TopWave 257 TopWave 229 UV / RGB solutions Finally, head to our Knowledge Center with our Lasers 101 page and Blogs, Whitepapers, and FAQ pages for further, in-depth reading. We therefore hypothesized that the ps-laser could be an alternative treatment for dermal pigmented lesions and performed a retrospective review to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the ps-laser. Microchip Lasers: Fully Integrated Modules for LIDAR & 3D Scanning, Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) in Biomedical Applications. As in mostLIDAR systems designed for distance measurement, bathymetric LIDAR relies on time-of-flight determination for calculating the distance to the target. As a result, the vast majority of LIBS lasers areq-switched diode pumped solid state (DPSS) lasers, which typically provide millijoules of energy in ananosecondtopicosecondpulse duration. Background and aims: Recently novel picosecond duration lasers (ps-lasers) have been developed for the treatment of multicolored and recalcitrant tattoos, and safety and efficacy have been reported. ANTARES is a picosecond, quasi-continuous wave laser with a high repetition rate up to 80 MHz and a narrow linewidth, in a very compact and robust format. See also: mode-locked lasers, mode locking, ultrafast lasers, femtosecond lasers, ultrashort pulses, picosecond diode lasers, nanosecond lasers, solid-state lasers, mode-locked fiber lasersand other articles in the categories laser devices and laser physics, light pulses. Older tattoos as well as stick-and-poke tattoos are easier . Typical applications are OPCPA pumping, attosecond physics, high harmonic generation and laser material processing. Therefore, opening the way to nonlinear optics applications like OPO pumping, and narrowband Raman Spectroscopy. RPMC Lasers offers one of the widest wavelength selections of <300 picosecond and >300 picosecond lasers available ranging from the UV through the SWIR regimes. By collecting the light emitted from the induced plasma plume and directing into a spectrometer the measured lines can then be correlated with the presence and concentrations of the samples elemental structure. The Td can show fluctuations if any electronics or optics involved in the pulse generation process have a functional variance in time. Picosecond pulses are also often used in pumpprobe measurements on timescales of multiple picoseconds to nanoseconds. Project Type: Eyebrow Line Remover. fluctuation of rising (-falling) edge temporal profile of the trigger signal. For example, the 266nm PNU-M01210-1x0 laser, belongs to the Powerchip laser series, which also covers wavelengths of 1064nm, 532nm, 355nm and 213nm with pulse durations below 500ps. laser pulse build-up time-mechanism and associated fluctuations. AdValue Photonics offers the EVERESTpico 1 m picosecond fiber laser (AP-1030P), Different models can deliver 50-ps pulses with 15W, 30W, 60W or 100W average power in a collimated free-space beam with excellent beam quality. In bathymetry though there is an added complication because you want to determine the depth of the water, not the distance from the transceiver to the water. 415103008, 443187002, 468974003, 468865001, neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet (Nd:YAG). Want to Minimize Your LIDAR Footprint, Cost, and Energy Consumption? Different models can deliver 50-ps pulses with up to 30W average power and excellent beam quality. With external trigger functionality, nano- to picosecond pulse duration, and a wide range of wavelengths, the KATANA & PILAS series are our most versatile offering. 2023 CNET, a Red Ventures company. Below we will detail some picosecond laser application examples and links to more in-depth articles: Laser material processing includes a wide range of applications including laser scribing, laser drilling, laser cutting, laser marking, thin film removal, laser surface treatment, and much more. Find the best products. aeroPULSE is our ultrafast fiber laser platform. With available average powers up to 10W at 1um and 1.5um, peak powers up to 25kW, pulse widths in the range of 200ps to 100ns, and available options such as pulse monitoring, internal and external triggering, TTL or LVDS input signals, extended operating temperature range, and a robust design, our pulse series of fiber lasers are suitable for a wide range of applications. If you don't see a laser with the parameters needed, most of our lasers can be modified for your needs. Raman-based spectroscopy, on the other hand, is an entirely different nonlinear technique, relying on the frequency shift experienced by laser radiation incident on a molecule, related to its rotational and vibrational modes. Sapphire wafers used as the substrate material for high brightness LEDs can be scribed using picosecond lasers. Essentially, the issue must be of sufficiently broad interest. Unlock the biggest mysteries of our planet and beyond with the CNET Science newsletter. Tweet him. The images above show 70 micron deep pocket trenches milled in sapphire with the YLPF laser. Copyright NKT Photonics A/S All Rights Reserved. That's a good thing. They cover discrete wavelengths from 255 nm to 1990 nm. A wide range of repetition rate options are available from single shot up to 80 MHz. For highest convenience, create a bookmark in the bookmark toolbar of your web browser (e.g. Furthermore, inRamanspectroscopy, the spectral resolution is related to the laser source bandwidth. YLPP-25-1-50-R ultrashort pulse fiber laser provides pulses with 25 J pulse energy with scalable average output power of 50 W and customer selected pulse durations in the range of 1 to 5 ps at full operational repetition rate range of 50-5500 kHz. The parameter Td is very relevant in the timing management of some applications. For example, picosecond lasers may be used for generating soliton pulses in optical fibers, which propagate without dispersive broadening. MPBC's line of picsosecond passively Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers (MLFL) are designed to address a range of market applications including semi-conductor inspection, micro-machining, metrology, multi-photon spectroscopy, and can be used as a seed source for optical amplifiers, and second harmonic generation. Power levels vary between W and hundreds of mW for the most powerful, fibre amplified versions. via social media: These sharing buttons are implemented in a privacy-friendly way! Shorter pulsed durations and higher pulse energies are available upon request. in the section "==External links==": https://www.rp-photonics.com/picosecond_lasers.html, Lower repetition rates are possible with an additional, More exotic sources of picosecond pulses are, temporal and spatial overlap of the output wavelengths, integrated time delay between the wavelengths, 10mW average output power; custom Nps-1064-k2 with amplifier for 2W output power. Process time was 8.5 seconds for a 1.2mm square feature. In this process, a microscopic portion of the sample is vaporized causing a momentary plasma to be formed. You get a reliable pulse generation without any occasional pulse drop-out or Q-switching instabilities over the entire temperature and humidity range.Our Plug and Play lasers are maintenance-free over the lifespan, designed to operate 24/7, allowing you to focus on your work. Some laser microscopes are operated with picosecond pulses, although femtosecond pulses have substantial advantages in some cases. While a wide variety of single-frequency lasers have been used in Doppler LIDAR research, the industry as a whole has adopted picosecond and short-nanosecond pulsed, single-frequency fiber lasers as the ideal light source. Pico lasers also allow for very fine features to be machined without deformation of the surrounding material. dev.). Enabling the world to be safer, healthier, closer, and more efficient. Diodes are available over the UV-VIS spectrum starting at 250 nm and are pre-set with a range of repetition frequencies. Ytterbium Picosecond Pulsed Laser. via e-mail. 10ps or less, where there is minimum heat diffusion during the pulse duration. Ultrashort Pulse (USP) Lasers. Teem Photonics offers a wide range of lasers with pulse durations as short as 100ps. The picosecond pulsed diode laser drivers are designed as universal units that can control the dedicated laser or LED heads offered by PicoQuant. concerning design details or the comparison of different kinds of picosecond lasers. pulse-to-pulse fluctuation of trigger-chain electrical parameters. If you have any questions, or if you would like some assistance please Contact Us here. By submitting the information, you give your consent to the potential publication of your inputs on our website according to our rules. Our monolithic-all-spliced-fiber design is beyond state-of-the-art, enabling an incredibly compact laser that is inherently more power efficient, reliable and robust than conventional bulk-rod or disk based DPSS USP lasers yet priced significantly lower than legacy products. For this signal processing methodology to work, you need to maintain precise control over the laser frequency. Disadvantages of Traditional Ultrafast Lasers, High initial acquisition cost, running cost and expensive maintenance costs, Low throughput speed due to limited pulse energies at high rep rates, Repetition rates out to 2 MHz without fall off in pulse energy boosts throughput, Complex free space scientific optical designs are sensitive to misalignment, contamination and environmental effects Poor reliability and robustness. Our offerings include pulsed DPSS lasers, fiber lasers, and microchip lasers with pulse energy as high as 5mJ and pulse repetition rates up to 80MHz. 8495 Veterans Memorial Pkwy, O`Fallon, MO 63366, Solid State Lasers and Laser Diodes from RPMC Lasers Inc, Single-Frequency Fiber Lasers for Doppler LIDAR, Peak Power and Average Power in ns and Sub-ns Lasers, The Advantages and Disadvantages of Passive vs Active Q-Switching. Get the best prices. If your target is moving, and speed is the critical measurement, you need a single-frequency laser to ensure accurate measurement of the Doppler shift. NEW: PIE-ALEX ready fast-switched laser heads best controlled via Sepia PDL 828. Picosecond Diode Lasers, Pico-LDs, are designed and manufactured by CrystaLaser. The base configuration typically provides up to 150 W average power @ 1030 nm, 15 150 mJ pulse energy with 1 ns pulse width (compressible to < 2 ps), and a repetition rate range from 1 kHz to 10 kHz. This laser series offers average powers of 1 to 40W at 1030 nm or 1064 nm (upon request) and can be doubled or tripled in the harmonics to answer even the most challenging industrial and scientific applications. Operating mode Pulsed. ALPHALAS is the only manufacturer that uses the patented and most advanced Nonlinear Mirror or Stankov Mirror mode-locking method based on second harmonic generation with practically unlimited power scaling. Single Housing MIR Tunable Picosecond Laser. 15b), illuminating with the same wavelength . Picosecond lasers used for tattoo removal require fewer treatments, cause fewer side effects, and result in reduced post-procedural downtime compared to nanosecond Q-switched lasers. Compatible with 30 mm Cage System. It can be used to remove wrinkles and firmness, improve skin tone, increase skin elasticity and luster, humanized design, comfortable to hold and easy to operate. The all-fiber DFB design ensures robust and reliable operation for thousands of hours. YLPF femtosecond lasers are ideal for fast machining of very precise features in brittle materials such as sapphire or glass. Additionally, this broad range of lasers enables pulse energies in the nJ, J, and mJ levels with pulse repetition rates varying from Hz to MHz. The VaryDisk Series platform is a high energy, multi-milli-Joule laser system for laboratory investigations or industrial use. (Please enter the sum of thirteen and three in the form of digits!). This causes all of the ionized elements in the plasma plume to emit light corresponding to their unique atomic energy levels. A picosecond laser is a laser device that uses very short pulse durations to target endogenous pigmentation and exogenous ink particles (tattoos). Now he has the best job in the world, telling stories about space, the planet, climate change and the people working at the frontiers of human knowledge. The pulse duration can be less than 20ps. If you are looking for a laser to run 24/7, the aeroPULSE series is for you. The flexible Amphos1000 1030-nm seed laser (a fiber laser) is the basis for amplified sources like the Amphos1500 with up to 5 mJ pulse energy (for picosecond pulse durations), the Amphos3000 series with up to 20 mJ, and the Amphos5000 series with 800 W or 1000 W average output power and up to 50 mJ. Fax: +49-30-1208820-90 These lasers are designed to address a range of market applications including semiconductor inspection, micro-machining, metrology, multi-photon spectroscopy, and can be used as a seed source for optical amplifiers, and second harmonic generation. Femtosecond USP Lasers Cut, scribe, or drill any material with unmatched edge quality and low (<10 m) HAZ. With the PILAS DX range of pulsed diode lasers, you can have it your way. We have fielded 1000s of units for many different applications from micromachining to LIDAR and Bathymetry to medical applications such as tattoo removal and ablation-based surgical procedures. Therefore, you need to measure both the distance to the surface of the water and the floor and take the difference between the two. The spatial coherence and broad spectrum of Iceblink makes it a great alternative to classic lamps, single-line lasers, LEDs and ASE sources. arrow-right-small-blue Note: the article keyword search field and some other of the site's functionality would require Javascript, which however is turned off in your browser. Ultra-compact head is approx. Common features are a high beam quality, narrow spectral bandwidth, burst mode features and flexibility concerning the pulse duration. Precise cutting and feature patterningof polymer films with exceptional edge quality, repeatability and accuracy can be done using YLPF femtosecond lasers. Their findings suggest that energy absorption efficiency >95% can be realized, which implies deposition of appreciable amount of laser energy per particle within the cluster [141]. Optical fibers are at the heart of everything we do. Note: this box searches only for keywords in the titles of encyclopedia articles. However, short picosecond pulses often provide perfectly acceptably results when the processing parameters are optimal, making picosecond lasers the preferred choice, if you do not require the ultra-fine features and exceptional edge quality that femtosecond lasers provide. Side effects are more severe if excessive fluences (quantities of x-radiation) are used. In the area of optical fiber communications, picosecond lasers can be used in different ways. The extremely high peak power levels achievable by pulsed laser sources are among the main reason for their success in many of the applications which have emerged in the last decades. The first all-in-one, single-box, microjoule femtosecond laser on the market. Picosecond laser pulses are useful for a very wide range of measurements. The following table gives a rough overview about the key parameters. Typically, nanosecond pulses are too long, as there is a significant build up of heat in the surrounding material, causing a more prominent heat affected zone (HAZ), which can damage, warp, burn, or discolor the surrounding area. Nanosecond pulse durations (from nanosecond lasers) are often too long, because a substantial spread of deposited energy can occur by thermal conduction during the pulse duration. This is quite different for pulse durations of e.g. Here you can contact our Sales Force, request literature, ask us a question. While the physical process is quite different it is often helpful to think of LIBS, as an optical analog to mass spectrometry. info@picoquant.com, Check out our live and on demand webinars, Dual calibration - max power and linear mode, High power multimode diodes in Vis and NIR, Repetition rate from single shot to 100 MHz. Ideal for micromachining, fine cutting and precision LIDAR, all the models are enclosed in an extremely compact and ruggedized single unit with both air-cooled and water-cooled options available. DIODE PUMPED ALL-SOLID-STATE PICOSECOND PULSED LASER Diode pumped all solid state picosecond pulsed laser at 213nm has the features of short pulse duration, high repetition rate and high average power, which is widely used in scientific research, fluorescence lifetime measurement and so on. Measurement, bathymetric LIDAR relies on time-of-flight determination for calculating the distance to laser! The most powerful, fibre amplified versions elements in the pulse duration energy Consumption the spatial coherence and spectrum... Or the comparison of different kinds of picosecond lasers may be used for generating soliton in!, Pico-LDs, are designed as universal units that can control the dedicated or. Lasers may be used in different ways a range of repetition frequencies be done YLPF. 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