This is a difficult question as it is not really possible to tell whether a purebred white tiger has/has not any particular advantage genetically over a normal coloured tiger. your inbred dog still has unethical genetics. Go to the pound and get the dog of your choice. I mean, AKC and purebred dogs are already sick and unhealthy as it is. Having nearly 50 years experience with this breed, the one thing to keep in mind is there are known issues which even many who have absolute whites are not aware of and have no understanding of why their dog behaves or reacts certain way. Please spay or neuter your pets. Little kids that dont know him jst run right up to him and want to pet him. Agree! and behind the bar gravel parking lots. only bred to look americanized for the show.. And nothing like what they wer origanly bred for. Any advice? Much like the german shepherd the majority couldnt handle a real days work and to preform the tasks they were bred for. We also own a blue female and she has been much easier to take care of. I would have to agree there is no comparison. The AKC does register white(albino) dobermans. In the meanwhile we have adopted a 7 month old dobie girl. Whatever color your Doberman is, remember they have short hair and are sensitive to cold temperatures. You dont see white plants or trees that are not green becusse they need pigment (chlorophyll thier melanin) to convert sunlight and photosynthesize. The need is a very specific one in which the temperament of these two types of dog have also caught my attention. I had a red king dobie for several years, I took him to the local petsmart for trading classes. Where do you live? We do limit her time in the sun as you would with any fair skin mammals, like me. Professional breeders now refer to it as Line-Bred. I actually own a beautiful white doberman named Kapone and he is my baby. At age 13, which is several years older than so many who die of SDS, he is looking quite good and still out running about a mile a day! He is not fixed, and he is very unagressive accept to male dogs who barge into his territory. She was a faded Isabella, very pale tan. When we walk in our little town, shes a rock star. That is a serious offer, and transport too. It is a mutation and its animal abuse to breed like this because you think its cool . So there you have it! PLEASE do research before you try to spout nonsense. She lay in the floor next to him and I would catch her cleaning his face. Thanks. Its very sad and unfortunately very true. Studies have proven that this breed of dog is very unique. I am looking for a PPD because I have a medical condition in which I feel I will need one in the future for my son and myself after a recent experience I have had. You are a real jerk. Steve H. Your Cleo sounds like our Athana who was an exceptional dog. So.should people breed Doberman Pinschers for the specific purpose of producing Whites? When I worked they was able go outside in a large fenced yard . I have rescued many homeless dogs , but I will always own a doberman too. The Havanese is the only dog breed that is native to Cuba. After evaluating Katie, her owners and the circumstances of the biting, we did not hesitate adopting her. Look at what we did to the. My advice would be to first: find out if the pooch you might get has been registered as the dreaded WZ and if so RUN! Just remember buyer beware. As I told them you do not want an American Doberman. When Becky started to talk her first word was Clee her word for Cleo as Becky got to four years old we gave in and let her hold Cleos lead as she had been asking from about two years of age ? lol. Breeding any dogs should be outlawed in my opinion the shelters are crowded with purebreds and mutts alike. The vet treated it for two weeks with no results. The fawn Doberman, (sometimes called Isabella color or cinnamon) is a diluted red. doberman pinscher puppy. I take four tabs and use a mortor and pestle to grind to powder. Actually, any real research will show that white Dobermans are not albino. You are the product of mating genetics just as much as a white or silver Doberman or two humans of any color (some better adapted than others awhile, but then things change) because a male had an erection and a female accommodated it by choice or force. And if you sincerely care about shelter dogs, I also recommend you stop whining on the internet and start pushing your congressman for tougher laws punishing animal abusers and tighter regulation of pet ownership and breeding. Today. THE WHITES NEVER HAD ANY ISSUES WITH BAD SKIN OR EYESIGHT OR HEARING! I rescued a Fawn from a humane society in Washington State in 2011. But, but, but, hesitate to put this into words, like words would make it more real. My uncle was swept up in the trend 13 years ago and paid twice the money when he adopted a white doberman. I will eventually get another dobie but I need to get past loosing Galileo. I was always afraid of dobies when I was younger, but they truly are a loving and magnificent breed. Both times I had been down and treated for as long as three months and the MESOSILVER CURED ME IN TWO WEEKS! But as long as you love your own Doberman thats what counts. Its obviously you dont know a damn thing about the breed do your research get a DNA test stop believing all the crap you see on the internet about white Dobermans none of it is true. All dogs are subject to health problems, purebreds more so. If they got a bad white then it was from a person that did not care about the health and was possibly inbreeding. Im currently in contact with a man in West Virginia who listed his 5 year old dobe on Craigslist for free.. Think I will be posting for advice as soon as we know more. Dr. S. At the University of Saskatchewan says that color has no bearing on the health and temperament of a dog. I love him to pieces. I just wish that humans would stop trying to breed dogs for what they think they should be and spoil the breeds! An athletic body, sharp ears and high agility, a Doberman Pinscher or Dobermann as it is commonly known is a relatively new breed on the block. The fawn Doberman, (sometimes called Isabella color or cinnamon) is a diluted red. Please learn proper grammar. that good for your grammar, Hahahahaha lol that last question is hilarious . Doberman is one of the most popular dog breeds known for its temperament, looks, and great obedience. it seems like common sense that you should never ever breed a white doberman ! Responsible breeders breed healthy dogs. Especially when they may need more medical care. But I will say that i have never spent so much money on vet bills on any dog Ive ever owned in my life. Thanks! Right, exactly what we did not want, a puppy. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to feed her? I've seen pictures of other coated Dobes, but none had tht much hair. My daughter breeds dobermans for the better of the breed, she can tell you all you need to know and more of what you want to know. The AKC doesnt decide the requirements for the show ring That would be the breed clubs. And I say albino because it is not a colour it is the complete opposite a lack of colour I would never entertain a breeder of the albino Doberman and those breeders who describe the dog as rare and desirable are idiots that have no interest in healthy dogs just lining their pockets it makes me feel sick. Educate yourself, you freaking twelve-year-olds. Listed as white only because albino is not a color. and vet bill are just that vet bill make a payment arrangment or start paying the vet before yu get the dobie and have a credit before the health issues arrise or pet health insurance. The most common Doberman hair color is obviously the black and tan, sometimes called black and rust, or black and brown. albino from parents with no albinistic mutations), but they are very, VERY rare. just because you think they look cute does not mean that the dog is comfortable when his health problems persist and flair up . He was rescued, so his ancestry was unknown. I live in the UK and was wondering why Ive never seen a blue or fawn dobi. Ive seen mine run circles around other breeds here like the Labs. Do your research. ?She starts her puppy training tonight! My .25 horse had an infection on the bottom of his hoof from having stepped on something. What do you do for a dog with a heart murmur? Joan thanks for helping this dobe They were individuals but at the same time each of them had the endearing ways of the Doberman breed. Im not certain where you are located. I had a Blue Doberman. Probably not the answer you wanted, but I know DVMs who will not breed once a year if they cannot come as close as possible to not reproducing these health issues to further weaken the breed. Back to my story: I was told moZart had increased risk of skin problems and eye problems. Even if he is expensive to keep healthy. Even so, its felt that these dogs are not inferior to the reds or blacks if good breeding is present. No comparison to white Dobermans, which are albinos. Spayed females had 6.5 times higher incidence of all cancers combined compared to intact females, and neutered males had 3.6 times higher incidence than intact males. There was a white Doberman at the humane society in my town the last time I went. There is no health issues nor do they have behavioral issues, I find it funny when people say they are bad but have never had or seen one in person lol. everyone is taking offense to that why? I was very intrigued. Bottom lineits irresponsible to propagate unhealthy breeding. The next most widely seen color is the red Doberman, which is a light brownish-red hair coloring. He does have a barking problem and absolutely hates the squirrels that tease him. Very nice. ALBINOS (which there is scientific proof that they are in fact albinos) are always from back yard breeders. Do you know the health issues and aggression that can come without spaying or neutering? I think the main point about white Dobermans is that they should rarely be bred from both white parents. to clear up the debate on albino dobermans. But let us think about this line breeding. As an answer to Sara and all others who think white is cool and dont believe websites like My Grandparents brought me up and as a child we had a German Shepherds called Sally who was farm stock and lived to be 17 and my grandad said no matter how many dogs you have there will be one that stands out head and shoulders above all the others for me it was Cleo! Their nose is pink usually and skin. These dogs eyes are quite large and thus produces enough pigment to lend opacity to the eye, often colouring the iris pale blue. Wouldnt it be nice if we could guarantee that the breeders of the white Dobermans had as much integrity as you think your daughter has ? Its ignorance of the worst kind. To make things even more confusing, you also have a "Dobermann" (spelled with two n's) to add to the mix. Every bit as PERFECT as any other color expression of our beloved Doberman Pinschers. Hi based on what color genes are dominant). The only reason you didnt see them until recently was because breeders culled them drowned them or broke their necks as soon as they were born. Whe I read your post I thought it was a match made in heaven then I read on Dobermans Den is reader-supported. Dobie Ranch Rescue and Doberman rescue of Lake Placid are also two good rescues. Study and actually thoroughly read what you find. think of it as thanksgiving dinner if you will. and I think that whatever the color they are, Doberman are freaking perfect and lovely. 55+ Havanese Dog Breeds Doberman Haversham - l2sanpiero 55+ Havanese Dog Breeds Doberman Haversham Hi animal lovers, I see you are looking for 55+ Havanese Dog Breeds Doberman Haversham. Hey Sarah, do you know of a good breeder or where I would have the best chance of finding a white? Look, Ive owned rescue dogs and purebreds. I resently found a Doberman pup for a friend a little red bitch. Have some bad news for people that are upset about white dobies being the result of inbreeding. Im very lucky as many are not. I hope you found yourself another Doberman love. Amen, Michelle. Turns out she has a heart murmur. Also they are small puney and frail in body type and just couldnt prefrom protection duties very well because ther bodies arnt built for the extreme exersizes and longevity of the protection sports or work that military or police use, there ligiments and muscle tissue and joints wouldnt hold up.. 4. You have no idea what your talking about regarding White Dobermans. Having said all this, if you do find a white Doberman rescue dog or a white Doberman from a breeder with a good reputation, who does health testing, please give them a chance. I love my dobes the way they are I stick to breed standard, so as not to change the breed, and possibly further the health problems so many have. They owned him in an instant. I was hoping someone knows or can open their heart to this girl.. Its just cruel in my opinion to maintain purebred dogs when the mutts are so much healthier! That is why the AKC registers them (albeit with the distinguishable Z designation much in part to the decrying of folks whonm think they are much smarter than they are in the area of all things wise and wonderful). A lot of people dont realize, a certain amount of in-breeding is done all the time, with every breed of dog (or cat, horse, cow, etc) when producing and bettering a specified BREED. More often than not, this is usually because circumstances the owner thinks may have caused such reaction. Known ailments associated with the Doberman (Von Willebrands Disease, Wobbles, Hip-Dysplasia) come from careless breeding. Do you history and know why a doberman was ever created then ask urself will my dog do this.. And even if you think your dog will it probaly wont and if it did dit would probably get harmfully injured.. on the othe hand i think that they do have a right to live if you the owner can afford all the high vet bills than you can enjoy your white , albino dibe as your pet . He was barking the whole time and immediately started growling at my dad when we walked past his pen. I am getting ready to buy the only black and rust puppy from an all white litter. Marvel Heroes. They are known as melanistic Dobermans. The good news is we have an article and some pictures about what you're looking for. I have a 3 month old fawn named Duchess. He is very gentle and extremely good with children. They are beautiful amazing dogs!! We are experienced Doberman owners. i want to know what i can do to make his time better when he has to be alone. When in all reality if you actually look at some if your show / working line well bred lines per say they are severely inbreed some of them in extremely close relation . I have had three remake black and rust. umm yes albinos can have blue eyes because the lack of pigmentation leads the iris to look opaque, therefore a pale icy blue. I served in the military as an Aviation Search and Rescue Corpsman (and its an open wound, not a scar), offering my life along with people of all cultures and colors. See more ideas about rian dawson, all about time, all time low. Sorry Evilboo all of that was intended for TexasJul. doberman pinscher playing. Years, Milo is 4 and not a day goes by that I dont think of Cleo! just because they are white does not mean you should not get them, albino does not mean they are bad. they are not albino their eyes are blue. I wish people would stop talking trash about them when they have never experienced having one. I like any dog without its ears cut off. She said it worked well. People who breed Albino dobermans only care about the money and not the breed, they sell them for more money saying they are rare. albinos have pink eyes. skin, stomach, ear, breathing etc? 7 yrs later, my baby girl is still a goofball! If there are genetic problems in a particular line say, deafness or blindness then that could easily be mitigated by careful selective breeding. The instructor said she used to raise dobies and my boy fit the mold perfectly. Is the concept of good breeding practices really so difficult to comprehend? Take it from someone who found out the hard way. Its soooo cute but his skin is very sensitive and I would like to know if you can share some products to take car of it. I am not sure about anyone else. So, speak up when you know what you are talking about. Most people really dont know how intelligent Dobermans are , they learn so fast that it is sometime frighten. Bashing someones religion. (about halfway sarcastic) Now Im starting to sound like some of you guys. i think that we should do what is best for the breed . Adding to the confusion, the color names also vary around the world, some Europeans call red Dobermans, brown. He has all the red & tan Dobie markings and body style but the hair texture, ears and tail of a GS. I didnt buy a white Dobe but I did just adopt one when our local shelter had to be evacuated and she needed somewhere to go for a few days and I just couldnt bring her back. I totally agree with Dober mom. I dont know how many ppl have asked if Im breeding my dogs, I want to look at them like are you crazy? Love your dog no matter what his/ her color is. Its been recorded that one champion white even bit his judge prior to winning. Your going off on the author of this site does nothing to change that. Stop. Would like to tell you my story. My first dobe came from a first time breeder and he had both DVDob and VWD. I could not bear to watch my buddy hurt. I had two doberman a blue and a fawn they both loved to play with tennis balls. onsumers and dog lovers need to be educated about the health concerns of these dogs. You know. Chantelle would push her nose under her hand and flip it to land on her head. As an owner of Dobermans for over 40 years, my opinion is that how you raise, socialize and train a Doberman, or any dog, is so much more important than its color. I should of googled white dobes b4 i even thought about it but i didnt and now to see what i have read about them i dont know how these breader get away will mating them It sickens me to think that this is so not fair to the bread..and how clueless sarah at the top of this page really is ugh.. go to the AKC home page and read what color eyes albinos have and all the probs they have they can have up to 3 different colors in eye color. red dobies are very nice to kids I have one named penny oh and Im a kid btw anyways penny is so sweet she always greats people with a smile and she is always nice, I just wanted to say that its a shame that people give ALBINO Dobermans such a bad rap.I have had Dobermans since 1987 and they are GREAT companionsbefore about 35 years ago I saw a white doberman and other exotic animals that were in the news from being taken from a home in Eastwood,NYsome asshole was arrested for having all these animals that he didnt have licenses forwhen I saw the Albino in the news I wanted to adopt him and very sad to say that when I called the SPCA told me that he was unadoptable..I asked why and they said because his owner would take a tazer to the dog and because of that they had to put him downI was so angry that an innocent dog was treated that way..last year I found my Albino and he is loveable, playful and and just amazing couldnt ask for a more loving dog.People need to stop judging dobermans and dogs in generalits not the breed of the dog its how you raise/train the dogyou as an owner are what you make your dog to be just like a childyour actions mold the dogkeep your heart open to all dogs ALBINOS too. The whites are AKC. Hey, I was wondering if they had insurance for pets, where could I purchase the insurance? Hi, this is a great post, even after so much time. It is seen as inhumane to the dog due to the potential for serious health concerns. English bulldog. I know of someone that has a 2 year old neutered male that they are trying to find a home for? A well bred doberman (which clearly 99% of you have no clue what that is) will be way healthier than an albino. The majority of the American GSDs are bred with such a slope on their hindquarters they literally run on their hocks. After 2 surgeries to try to give him the best future, the leg didnt grow as long as his other 3! I have had dobes for over 20 years blks, blue, and now white, i must be lucky because my wht dobe is a big lovable dog with no health problems. She is simply the first accepted by the AKC that can be tracked this way. Your Doberman will be fine. So quality educated Doberman breeders avoid propagating them. Its not fair to the animals first and foremost. I cant imagine life without a Dober-girl/boy by my side. That will cause many health issues. It is usual behaviour by breeders when a new mutations occurs. I wonder if this is what happens with dobermanns. You are right, you do have to be a bit careful with White Dobes getting too much sun. Now we are waiting for a Holter Test appointment. 1. And yes he is vicious. just because your white dog is healthy now doesnt mean it wont run into issues later. The vet told me the breeders usually put the white puppies to sleep and any animal lover would not do such a thing. Monitor these things, supervise and dedicate time to them as a member of your home. North. So the fact hearts stop instantly and the dog dies just didnt make any sense to me. These dogs were never tracked nor were their litters. Amen to that. I USE Z FACTOR DOGS IN MY CURRENT LINE AS THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL & EXCELLENT MINDED DOGS! Ear cropping is optional, however I like the appearance of the cut ears, it is illegal to cut the Dobermans ears in some European countries. I have to disagree about additional health problems with the white/cream. Learn More. Yes, he requires a lot of exercise but the entire family is spoiled by his great temperament. All responsible breeders should have the goal of breeding to better the breed, not just to breed because you like the color! My heart goes out to you and all who have had to deal with the lost of a good dog. Just remember to ALWAYS monitor children with dogs. I own a white Dobeman Tierra who is now 7 years old. ANOTHER THING! I also understand that just because they are here doesnt mean you should TRY to breed them. That is the equivalent of cutting out a womans ovaries and a mans testicles without their consent. For those who say albinos have red eyes, are very misinformed. They love you! That means a very shallow gene pool to start out with. Theyre not the ones that have the problem I think you need to seek some help. Your right about euthanasia. My friend said she expected to see her carrying him down the hall to me to take care of what ever he might need at the time. Killing white pups at birth doesnt remove the z factor from the line, which is clearly evident. It isnt expensive (~ $25 for puppy, young and adult and ~ $50 for seniors per month ). Still, breeding is needed for that so the idiot you replied to is, in fact, an idiot. I do have a serious issue with destroying White Doberman pups at birth. All of this snobbery over an inbred animal is simply ridiculous. Proving to the World, what I already know, White Dobermans are simply a rare expression of a Recessive gene that makes their coats an unusual Doberman Color, but every other atom of their being is Pure American Doberman Pinscher. So. But he was gentle as could be around them. U sound like an idiot! Mixing this with his water in the large container, he gets small dosages throughout the day. If an animal lacks pigment in one part of his body (like fur) and not in another (like eyes) its attributed to another genetic abnormality. What the people have a problem with. Good breeding is done to maintain the health of the breed as a whole. He is crate trained for while she is at work and he loves to go for rides and hikes. in San Francisco whos up for adoption. Also. He is a wonderful family dog.. His only health issue is that hes had runny eyes (nothing major) since he was a pup. I have one of every colour and i dont see the difference they play the same, love the same, eat the same, and bark the same. A post shared by Mazikeen Zenobia (@mazetherotterman_) 2. What does it matter what colour a dog is. Cleo spoilt me because of her oober intelligence so went for a Weimaraner next Emma was bright but no Cleo! Now some breeders have been trying to fix the problem by crossing the white with fawn to keep the light color but extend the gen pool, this is helping the problem a lot. Dobermans are beautifulproudnobleintelligent dogs and deserve the best we can give themand breeding them to be sickly and have health problems is NOT the best we can give them. She was urinating a lot more than the Golden Doodle we purchased at the same time. I also became very bored reading your snarky reply. You have the attitude of a twelve year old girl, though I would like to think you are older. She loves to swim in our pool,the lake,ocean, whatever.Black and Tan have always been what most people think aboutbut, reds,fawns,blues etchave made there way into common breedingwhy not whites? I have a Blue doberman, white doberman and Black and Tan Doberman and I think the white and blue are better dogs then the black and tan. The University of Saskatchewan says that color has no bearing on the author of snobbery! 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