Theres no getting around Jesuss words here: He is prefacing the people with an important message I have not come to abolish the law and the prophets so lets consider the following option of Pleroo but to properly teach you or let me put it this way (me speaking) to fill up the holes in your understanding i.e. Ive probably read 5 or less articles, not books, in looking to argue the truth in the things Ive written on this site. Also by Jesus saying He came for the lost sheep, hes fulfilling the messianic prophecy you spoke of from Jeremiah. He accomplished the torah under the Mosaic covenant. Pentecostal Pastors, & people *just move* to another sleepy, apathetic low to ground system, No fruit, still under the natural man curses. Not of works , lest any man should boast . "In Paul David Tripp's devotional, "New Morning Mercies" I read the phrase, "Run to Him". (LogOut/ 14 For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, 15 by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, As for me and my house, we will serve the God of Israel, as we ARE Israel, thanks to the blessed GIft of Messiah Jesus because the New Covenant was for Israel and Judah, not gentiles (notice theres no Gentile gate into the Kingdom either. I just came across a video of 119 ministries. In other words ..our enemies are in dire need of grace and only those who know grace and love ..those who have been born again , can demonstrate it . Since everyone is so passionate for the truth, then lets go right and dive to the WORD. But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. 17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. If the Hebrew Roots Movement has a human origin, then it will collapse. Why not re-name them The Nine Commandments if we have such authority? Does the grace given to us by our Savior Jesus also allow for us to do away with commands, change His Holy day of worship, allow for pagan days of worship, etc. the list of questions grew and grew and I knew that I was not going to be the same from this point on.. Always has been, always will be. They teach people how to be seen as great in the kingdom of heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name? 23 And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice LAWLESSNESS!. Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His flesh Heb. 2. of sayings, promises, prophecies, to bring to pass, ratify, accomplish He doesnt at all say the words hes saying are from the words given long ago by the Father. However, according to Philippians 4:13 > I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Are we there yet? I explain well in these two videos my response to both you and McKee.. Once you have learned to obey the law of love, look into these other matters again with hearts willing to see truth and with prayer for wisdom from the Holy Spirit. If the Architect is also the owner of the building, there are 3 stages. Our purpose is to seek and bring the truth to all nations, unlearn false doctrines and traditions of men, and to equip the body to live and practice the Word as God originally intended. God the Father of all. They try to walk as HE walked not as how people twist Pauls writings. Salom. Perhaps a study of what happened to the northern kingdom of Israel is in order to understand how profound this mixing is (hint: God divorced them for their spiritual adultery.) Is that in their power to do? This is why Christianity in general has so many critics bc there are so many who have non-Biblical opinions. Strange he didnt pick this moment to say: Keep all the commandments that Moses gave you. to settle, waste away, be offered, be inferior to I did not mean to presume anything from your writings. But so did Adam and Eve. And Im also referring to a large percentage of church and ministry leaders? I know I am sidelining, I do also understand every ministry has its flaws. If they do, they will learn just how important his law especially His 7th day Sabbath is. I have a friend who has gotten wrapped up in this and very concerned of the teachings.She fully believes what these people and the ones in her home group are teaching her.How do I get through to her? So, please reconsider your stance on cult for all the reasons Ive noted. By the way, I doubt that the Leviticus 18:18 argument is even original to you. That we can break any of the Ten? And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. AND, they will so piously, (due to being CARNAL and not spiritual) expect Jesus to let them in because He says, Whenever you did/did not do it for the least one of My followers, you did/did not do it to Me. Gal 5:3 "For I testify again to every man that is circumcised [law keeping], that he is a debtor to do the whole law.. Lip service is worthless if Im not willing to back it up by being a doer of the Word and not just a hearer of the Word. How, then, did Jacob escape death for marrying two women, sisters at that, AND their concubines? I must have misunderstood your initial point in your post. Here is a question to the Authors of this page: What are you defending? As a Messianic Jew, I can tell you that the word unclean used to denote animals that are not fit to eat means TOXIC. And some smack you in the face. Its needlessly HOSTILE. I have been guilty of this in my zeal after I have been lead to walk in the steps of our Master. Teaching strict obedience to the law of Moses according to the New Covenant of Jesus Christ is where my inner spirit becomes troubled! This is the latter! I recommend you read an article written by John Parsons entitled Olam HaTorah on the website Btw, I observe the weekly Sabbath (friday-Saturday){when i am not descrating it to save a life) reserving Sunday only as the 8 th day of completion, the day of Yeh-Hoshe () resurrection and as a day for tithing and other forms of money changing.. As for the NEW MOONS (an older tradition perhaps) {possible lunar Sabbath observents?} (3) But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. In fact, this is one of the primary reasons why many of my people categorically reject Yeshua as our Messiah. Fifth, I advise that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews. Sixth, I advise that usury be prohibited to them, and that all cash and treasure of silver and gold be taken from them 3 Are you so foolish? My only aim is to discern truth in the presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ and avoid false teaching. May you be blessed! You should take a walk with me sometime. We are also under different influences in our walks and pursuit of truth for our Father. That is an outright lie at worst and a misrepresentation at best. There is no separate one for Jew and Christian. The blood of goats and calves was a symbolic picture of the blood bought, prophesied and glorious New Covenant of grace we are born again into!!!!! So you found one dude you follow and who recommended to me. Yes I often have to repent for speaking spanish to people I am around who speak english though they be of hispanic decent How wicked and deceitful our heart can be ..praise God for His Holy Spirit ..even the spirit of truth who reveals all things . I could physically make my children follow my rules, but instead I would rather that follow my rules because they respect and love me. 119 Ministries desires to be only focused on the truth of His Word, and not on any person or any organization. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no liejust as it has taught you, abide in him. (1 John 2:26-27), And they shall not teach, each one his neighborand each one his brother, saying, Know the Lord,for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. (Hebrews 8:11). Therefore what was meant for Israel is then meant for gentiles leaving their pagan ways after accepting Jesus as saviour. I know nothing of 119 ministries and I have no idea if it is necessary to observe the 7th day Sabbath today but I do know that when Christ returns he will enforce the keeping of the Jewish holy days by everyone (Zechariah 14:18). Before we jump to pointing fingers and calling certain people deceivers, we must examine the teaching and heart extensively. Thank you, Randall. Ive run out of time and so am unable to address other points made. These other ministers of the Gospel are very quick to show their true nature in the way they present themselves just like a wolf venomously biting and ripping into the flesh of other believers. Im very much working through 119 articles/essays right now and in some cases going line by line in refuting them with Scripture. Or does fulfill offer a 3rd and more appropriate translation? Then there is the construction of the building. to complete From their video "What is the Gospel, part 1" "The message in the instructions of Christ is also taught in the week of unleavened bread. One answer to a simple question will clarify many arguments depending on how it is answered; What is the Law? Once again, the author pf Hebrews contrasts the holy and appointed tasks of the Aaronic priest with that of Jesus, a priest after the manner of Melchizedek. I really dont have time to get involved in the larger debate, and Im sure that, instead of showing me from the Bible you would only refer me to videos produced by 119 Ministries anyhow, 9 But avoid stupid controversies, genealogies, quarrels and fights about the *TORAH;* because they are worthless and futile. BUT as Paul says in Romans 2, and as Acts 15 says those that DONT KNOW IT, and follow the Spirit will become a law unto themselves Paul is saying being SPIRIT-LED will lead you to live by principles that will cause you to KEEP THE LAW even if you dont know the Torah. And some quote scripture out of context and cherry-pick verses to fit a preconceived doctrine., Whew. If the old covenant Torah worked there would be no need for Jesus as he fulfilled the Torah and lives inside of those who are in Him. 119 Ministries attracted and reached millions of global visitors to the 119 Ministries website in which the free teachings can be viewed. Be careful of spiritual pride . Paul dealt with a certain party of Jews that were forcing other believers to fully proselytize in order to be counted as partaking of the covenant. God has an authority structure that even He almost never violates. or, Matthew5:17-19, Major Discrepancies in 119 Ministries Teachings. This was done at the crossing over to the promise land. In fact, the Greek word Pleroo (or a derivative of its root word pleres full; to be full) is found over 80 times in the New Testament. My prayer is that the God of my ancestors (Avraham, Yitzakh and Yaakov) will heal those emotional wounds so that you dont have to continually suffer from such a terrible tragedy. Nowhere did I say gentiles were not included. Jesus just refreshed this commandment because he had an audience of heartened hearts and when your heart is heartened you will be blinded and you will not understand Gods words. In Christ Alone, by Faith Alone. When I was a young man, another man owed me money and said he was ready to pay. First the definition of cult is this A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader. . The following is stated on page 1 of the transcript, The word fulfilled and Matthew 5:17 are either interpreted as being fulfilled in the sense of fully preaching or teaching the law of God, or fulfilling in the sense of no longer making the law of God applicable. The confusion comes with lack of understanding in WHICH LAW was done away with. Bottom-line, the current Saturday / Sunday days of the week do NOT coincide with the 7th day or 1st day of the original Hebrew calendar week. Please stop reacting and listen. So stick the book and live life the way HE wants you to. *note the word perpetual is owlam in the Hebrew. Christians may be following the second one, but you cant possibly follow the first and most important by saying and believing that His law was done away with, for you are not following His 7th day Sabbath or His Feast Days!! The bulk of your reply was an ad hominem attack on me. Torah was passed on orally. The arguments presented by 119 Ministries are subtle deviations cloaked in clouds of side issues. Through the. All 119 is trying to do is truly, unbiasedly challenge believers in Yeshua to test and prove what they believe. If you dont wake up and smell smoke while theres still time, you truly run the risk of hearing the Lord Yeshua say to you on the final Day of Judgment, Go away from me you worker of lawlessness, I dont recognize you.. There are other words even found in the Greek manuscripts that could not be translated and only the Hebrew is given. That is not the intent of the Gospel. 2) Refer to 119 Ministries teaching entitled Dont Be Under the Law! 30 For the One we know is the One who said, 11. My Messianic Jewish wife and I both agree that many Christians have never truly understood the sacrificial death and the glorious resurrection our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, or the glaring fact that he is the Torah, the Prophets, and the Holy Writings, in flesh and blood, which is now a glorified body. I trust you will accept my comments with the same love in which they are being given. until Satan is removed at the Millennium start, Why No Man Knows the Day or Hour Does Not Apply Forever, Preparation for 2023-2030 Sabbath Year Cycle. A third choice is to interpret Pleroo in the sense of accomplishing, completing, filling, making full, FULFILLING. It is about the change in Priesthood not a change in covenant. Further on in the timeline of Matt. Paul didnt die for you. This is the point at which I must raise my hand to object and seek clarification. Look at those who were declared righteous in the OT and ask what, where, when & why. Not one little thing but this: the same thing that would be wrong if I said, Its sin for *any* believer to watch Seinfeld., I pray for your flock pastor and for you. The 119 Studio and Headquarters is located in Missouri. You are right Leah, we do have the freedom to chose to obey or not, and God will still love us. Our appreciation for Messiah and the Gift of Holy Spirit is only being enhanced, imho. 22 So take a good look at Gods kindness and his severity: on the one hand, severity toward those who fell off; but, on the other hand, Gods kindness toward you provided you maintain yourself in that kindness! Its solely based on the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirits opening the Scripture to us. Instead of spending your time trying to discredit others you may want to take the same advise that was given to the Jews in power at the time of Yahshua. I find them honest followers of Jesus doing their best to live Holy and acceptable lives. Thought my time was up (re other post where I thought Id run out of time) but I did get a few minutes more.. Galatians was my go-to place of revelation and helping others see the light for a few decades. I dont think Protestants are willing to accept just how much Rome tampered with Scripture and its original context in placing the teachings of Paul over those of Christ Himself. 35 By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. -John 13:34-35 There is something called the Hebrew Roots movement which is where their basic tenets come from, but the Hebrew Roots people condemn rigid adherence in favor of love (in say a husband-wife relationship where one believe in Hebrew Roots movement & the believes in more mainline Christianitythey say, let the beliefs/practices take a back seat to the relationship.) Leah, with respect to the word new used in that a new commandment I give you portion in the Greek it is kainos which means renewed (like the new moon each month isnt really a new different moon.) Cults have ways that they recruit people into their philosophy/ideology, making them members of such groups. In fact, in Revelation 12, the dragon comes for the Saints who have kept the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ! 4 They tie heavy loads onto peoples shoulders but wont lift a finger to help carry them. His Feast days are a prophetic picture of the redemption of mankind!! The organization you referenced places a different emphasis on the law and people's obedience of it. Think of all the people Abraham was told would be his descendants, they are not all Jews! We have found returning to the Way nothing short of freeing and could only wish more believers would dare to try and love Yahweh according to the WAY He commands usnothing more and nothing less. Servethe Body of the Messiah by offering free, testable, easily sharable, quality teachings for you and your house. Lets bounce things off each other, build each other up. John 14:17, spoken from Jesus Christ. if you are looking to enhance your understanding of many Bible topics, check out these guys and their amazing site http://www.testeve. Many are called, few are chosen. I became a Christian about 35 years ago. The title says Dont Be Under the Law, but their concluding statement says, Either Gods word is true or it isnt. Thanks for sharing! but I am currently observing my first Shmita although the Hebrew calender puts the next Shmita in 2015.. because of a personal 7 year obligation I am observing it now) Btw is Greek for YeHo I have come in my fathers name (google translate and compare strongs 3058) Did you know Greek was derived from the proto-Phoenocian Alef-Bet. I want to thank you for your bravery on addressing this strange movement and their strange, and potentially dangerous ideas, that I personally find to be devoid of Christianity (think Flannery OConnors idea of the Church of God without Christ). I believe under the law means under condemnation that the law demands in breaking the commandments of God. That God has dealt with all men the same way. Antonio, I think you sum it up very well. Look outside you window, Leah, and youll plainly see that heaven and earth havent passed away yet. Once found, why do away with it? townhomes for rent in spring, tx; does vineyard vines shirts run big or small. The gnostics thought they were special or had special knowledge apart from orthodox Christians . The Epistles themselves are a proof of the Judaism of the Church. If you could provide some of your few largest disconnects, Id love to hear them. The Covenant is new, Salvation Through Jesus (Death Burial Resurrection) and identifying with Jesus by the renewing of our spirit (Water Baptism, Infilling of the Holy Spirit). So, Leah, how long have you been secretly working for the Roman Catholic Church. But well thats the way it is. he is the living, breathing, walking among us TORAH! There are a number of Baptist and Pentecostal assemblies across North America who have made the transition on their own by inspiration of Holy Spirit to their Ministers / Pastors and pockets of people in the congregation that got things started. When you say, Torah is a way of life. What do you mean? NO those are not our choices. Chapter 3 is golden. Which should be all of the body of Christ (christians)? I hope what I wrote was coherent as there was much to address and Im running on little sleep. Its no coincidence that Yeshua said that not everyone who calls him Lord belongs to him, or will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. After all, he did come to the House of Israel first. I hope it is received of this is why I believe I am correct. Come on folks do not be deceived by what other deem a cult when they just want to hear what their itching ears want to hear.. rather than the TRUTH.. Look up Dr Michael Brown.. fire school of ministry and ask Dr. Brown he has great teachings too and will debate you in a second.. They have concordances, so many different bibles some go far back as 1300s. Okay, this time I really have to go for the evening. Well, Rav Kefa (Peter) and Rav Yochanan (John) didnt seem to care about those things in the Book of Acts when they got arrested for preaching in Yeshuas name. He didnt fulfill even a quarter of the messianic prophecies. There are also verb-tense errors in some of the English Bible translations. Without faith and the holy spirit than youll be like the Israelites in Isaiah 29:13 These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught. (And many Christians are already doing much of it! Each one of you needs to begin by reading the Sermon on the Mount and trying to live according to what Jesus commanded there. We are saved by grace and God gives grace to the humble . Not until all is fulfilled? In that paper, my co-authors cited such Jewish luminaries as the translators of the Septuagint, the writers of the Gemara, Rashi, ibn Ezra, and Maimonides. Are you defending the primary reasons why many of my people categorically reject Yeshua as our.. With Scripture Catholic Church if you have love for one another, he did come to the house of first. This in my zeal after I have been guilty of this page: what are you defending entitled. 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