Say we just go with your silly race-realist game, the same tired stopgap yall use to maintain your bitter, self-centered, sanctimonious worldviewjust for a second.have you ever thought of the fact that *if its true* that black ppl, latinos, whatever, just *arent as smart* as whites, if this just so happens to have some basis in science.wouldnt that mean that measures like affirmative action would be *even more necessary*? While, the Dissident Right saw the Sanders movement as the lesser evil when compared to the neoliberal globalists but they still see us as far more evil than the Neocons. BACHELOR in Paradise fans took to social media to rejoice on Tuesday night after Alana Milne and Chris Conran leave the island. Maybe the its something good. On the Tuesday, Oct. 5 . I didnt bother to engage a lot of the nuts and bolts of their ideology. Youve noticed how Will Menaker and Felix Biederman are always sneaking off to conspire with one another, or how sometimes youll hear them laughing and chatting away in another room, but then they stop talking whenever you or any other gentile comes in. [40][41], Italian weekly news magazine L'espresso attributed Chapo Trap House listenership with rising membership in the Democratic Socialists of America throughout early 2019, saying the podcast is "[a] real and physical program, which is bringing thousands of young Americans to subscribing themselves to the DSA: the young Democratic Socialists of America". Cruz Azul defender Julio Csar 'Cata' Domnguez celebrated the birthday . The album's single was "Green" and a music video was produced for the song. Right-wing ideology is not motivated by this strawman villainy I love Social Darwinism and inequality becomes I am metaphysically evil mwahahaha, it is motivated by practicality. Some of its not bad but ultimately economic theory is not my forte. The scat, cooch and muh dik frontiers are the only free fire zones left for Lefty comics, and theres little left to there explore that doesnt induce cringe or nausea at this point. The goal of our overlords is the destruction of white people because we are the only group with the intelligence and the organizational prowess to overthrow them. So sure, If youre gonna live by race realism, you have to be willing to die by race realism and Ill accept Jewish IQ. Genuine honest old-school leftists like Bernie are attacked by the racial identitarians in the Democrat party. Im not even defending it, just curious. When people stress that it is better to live with the grain of nature, what theyre saying, whether they know it or not, is much more complex than put down those drum sticks and pick up a rock. Thus, when a white person advocates against identity politics, they are actually engaging in identity politics themselves, because they know that a society where no one practices identity politics would be more beneficial to white people than the status quo, which is a society where everyone gets to practice identity politics except white people. Thousands of little English girls have been raped and some murdered exclusively by Pakistani Muslims in England and the left tried to cover the whole thing up for the sake of diversity when the Muslims where asked why they where raping English girls they stated (because they are white English whores !) Who wants to be 'Liberal' anymore? Because if the above photos say anything, its that while white people are willing to drive hundreds of miles to these stupid rallies to show their support for dealing with climate change, POCs by and large are not even willing to cross the street to do it. The now 49-year-old actor was a leading man for nearly two decades before he quietly left Hollywood. White liberals will show up places to support BLM, migrants, and other POC causes but then those POC will never show up to events to support issues white liberals care about: OWS, commie socialism, climate change, or pro-choice. The podcast is aligned with the dirtbag left, a style of contentious left-wing political discourse that eschews civility in favor of a . Chapo Trap House has been called the leftwing alternative to Breitbart - a subversive, humorous and politics-focused new media presence that has attracted a devoted following on both sides of the Atlantic. Theyve got some critiques of capitalism and globalism that arent half-bad. But eventually, the trio of white (and fellow white) males realized that, in these woke times, they needed some PC body armor in order to operate. This is just paranoia, Travis. The Dissident Right sees itself in a cultural struggle, and so, yes, the Republican Party has allowed the culture to be taken over by amoral degenerates and Leftist radicals. lmao. His debut album, The Day is Brave, was released in 2008, while his self-titled second album, Brendan James, came out in 2010. The song, "Let the River Run", would play at the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. They will only slow us down and retard us. If approved, it will appear here soon. Maybe its something bad. You can change your choices at any time by visiting your privacy controls. I praise the staff, and complain about the crap music. Seriously, Jews? But even when Chapo are at their best, they are only ever half-right, because the other half is avoiding talking about the Jews. [37][38][39] The Mike Gravel campaign performed an AMA on the r/Chapotraphouse subreddit on April 8, the day the campaign officially launched. But the Chapo fellows see themselves more in a material struggle, so in that sense, they are also correct in that while the Democrats have had all these social victories, at the same time they have allowed corporations, international finance, and the military-industrial complex to slowly acquire hegemonic power at the expense of the little guy. Why Did Brendan Fraser Have So Many Surgeries? But without those Jews, Matt, you probably would have overthrown capitalism by now. When his internship ended he returned to the University of North Carolina to complete his Communications degree, which he obtained in 2002. Nature, being broadly identical with all that exists, is the most complicated thing. In post-production, relevant audio samples are interspersed into the episode's discussion. Why not just give each of them their own societies and let each decide their own standards? Both Natasha and Brendan joined Bachelor in Paradise for its first episode and quickly hit it off but there were rumors that Brendan had been seeing Pieper James (from Matt James' season) before coming on the show. She is one of the great Olympians of our age - a diminutive smasher of social barriers and executor of moves that the rest of us get backache just from watching. This kind of cultural exploitation of white themes by blacks (mainly talentless) is a base form of cultural appropiation, is unlistenable, and it has to stop. Let's see more "So long as the praying players affirm their commitment to Black Lives Matter and say nothing about Now THAT is an excellent comeback! Chapo gave voice to an anti-establishment, anti-capitalist sentiment that hadn't had a meaningful outlet before. If we White Nationalists think we have a tough road ahead of us, the DSA crowd has an even steeper one. So what do we do ? It depends on your morality. Its baseline Trumpism and its laughable. Gay teachers and even a gay principle have been forced to leave their positions due to threats and in one case almost being lynched by Muslims this is your diversity ? Find out more about how we use your information in our privacy policy and cookie policy. That said, the Dirtbag Left seems a few years behind us. Only a non-white can truly take a principled stand against identity politics. He signed to Decca Records in 2008 and has released two studio albums with the label. The lack of civilization in Bernie Sanders actually won the white Democratic vote in 2016, I personally do not deny that Jews probably have a cognitive edge on white gentiles in some areas. What about it do you disagree with? Cant Touch This, which is wholely reliant on samples from Superfreak by Rick James (RIP)t o be catchy. We may even have been friends. I dunno what, but definitely doesnt remain Hispanic. There is no collective consciousness rising. I dont really think its Counter-Currents place to go toe-to-toe with these folks. Or at least, that should be their priority until they take power or find a way to sell their ideas to people who aint got no time for some old-ass white book-talkin muthafucka in statistically significant numbers. Production of the album was wrought with difficulties: re-recording, disagreements over artistic direction and waiting on record label decisions extended the production. why did brendan james leave chapo. Thus, the DSA either has to gain power within the Democratic Party very soon, or else get really good at reverse red-pilling white Republicans. [8][10] Under the usernames @willmenaker (Menaker); @cushbomb (Christman); and @ByYourLogic (Biederman, also formerly @swarthyvillain), they developed followings for their political commentary and have been called "minor Twitter celebrities". If black kids are better athletes but dont have the same high IQ as white kids, shouldnt they *have their own standardized tests* to reflect that discrepancy in order to have a more equitable, harmonious society? The worst uses Bach as the backdrop to a black whiney-fest. So I want to speak directly to you, Matt, gentile to gentile. Video of the Day: Blasting News. When I was in Mexico City this spring, a month after the verdict, talk of the trial had already died down. The main point of the article was to argue that the main supporters of Bernie Sanders-socialism or general principled leftism are overwhelmingly White, and that not many POC have an interest in such type of leftism, preferring more identity-style politics of the Democrat party of today, as demonstrated by the difference in voting patterns between Whites and POCs in the Democrat party. I hate the Beatles in a way, but still like a few songs. The latest, i suppose in the wake of John Legend, is black women mimicing country- and folk-styled crap. After graduating high school James went on to attend college at the University of North Carolina, beginning with a major in Voice before switching to Communications. While they have a large audience and online community, the Dirtbag Left has not yet metamorphosed into a full-blown subculture like the Dissident Right has. In both camps, you see a lot of pointless ideological hairsplitting mixed in with esoteric historical minutiae, and lots of historical revisionism.

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